Saturday, December 16, 2017

Case Analysis Effectiveness ASCI 530 9.4 Research Blog

Peer Review (Dilbert, n.d.)

Overall I appreciated and learned from the peer review process and case analysis within ASCI 530. It was useful to develop my final research paper in several stages, and have it peer reviewed to improve upon it with an outside perspective. We all have most likely written something knowing full well what we intended to say and believing we did. But we misstated something or didn't clarify it enough and needed a set of outside eyes to spot the mistake.

The peer review was helpful and I took many of the comments made by my two reviewers into account and they ended up in the final research paper. One of my reviewers reordered my entire introduction sections, combined paragraphs and moved ideas around. I ended up taking all the comments into account and the final introduction looked vastly different from the rough draft introduction. It ended up being organized much better, with a clearer flow between thoughts.  Without the outside eyes I would not have improved this section of my paper.

Peer review, or collaborative effort, is a large part of my current job and past ones as well. Prior to going to active duty with the military I was a design engineer for Caterpillar. Any design I created would be roughed in by me to prove a concept. I would then share the idea with others asking for improvements and sustains on the design. These would be taken into account for the final version of a design, which itself was vetted by someone else to ensure accuracy and effectiveness. Designs would be constantly displayed to peers either in PowerPoint or with the CAD software projected and discussed to ensure all design requirements were met. 

With the Army I fly Blackhawks. Decisions for how I will execute a flight, what to use as a VFR check point, altitudes, airspeed, approach directions, night vision device considerations, safety, fuel requirements... are all discussed at a minimum with my copilot. Many times I will discuss them with other pilots to ensure I'm not missing something. In a large mission all of the information is put into a PowerPoint and presented to many other pilots so they can vet my decisions as well. Other pilots have different experiences than I do and will normally catch something I did not think of. Their assistance ensures my success in missions.

The one suggestion I would have for this course is to split the research paper up into three parts for peer review. Currently there is a peer review for the abstract, then another for the rough draft. In both cases we had to respond to what comments we would incorporate and what would be ignored, with justifications. I would like to see this broken up into three separate peer reviews.

The first peer review would cover the abstract, as we currently do it in this course. The second would cover the first three sections of the paper; Summary, Issue or Problem and Significance of the Problem. This would focus the student on those three topics as well as giving the peer reviewer less review, allowing them to pay more attention and perhaps do more research themselves into the topic and suggest different issues or problems.  The third peer review would cover Development of Alternative Actions and Recommendation. The same peer reviewer should be used and they would then look over the second peer review to see what changed, then focus their efforts on the last two sections of the paper.  I believe the splitting up the work allows for more focused efforts in the details of the paper, which could then lead to a better, more professional product overall.

Dilbert by Scott Adams (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Request for Proposal ASCI 530 7.4 Research Blog

UAS Over Wildfire (Folk, 2017)
When battling a wildfire, the firefighters need accurate, real time information where any hotspots are occurring and what direction the fire is moving.  “The conditions wildfires produce make it nearly impossible to obtain real-time situational awareness, especially at night when it’s too dangerous to fly manned aircraft over the flames” (Knight, 2015). This means that in the morning firefighters have little to no idea what occurred with the fire overnight. UAS can provide real time information on the fire, both day and night, allowing critical decisions to be correctly made by the firefighters on the ground. Developing a UAS that can observe hotspots is essential in aiding firefighters.
a.      Entire system (all elements) shall be transportable (in a hardened case) and weight less than 50lbs (one-person lift)
b.     Transportation case shall be designed to fit in the back of a standard SUV (21 cubic feet)
c.      Transportation case shall have a foam interior for protection of sub components
d.     Transportation case shall have cut outs for all sub components of the system
e.      Transportation case shall have cut outs for any tools required for the assembly/disassembly of the UAS system
f.      Transportation case shall provide impact protection for all components inside the case
2.     Air Vehicle Element
a.      Shall be capable of resisting particles created by wildfire such as ash
b.     Shall be resistant to rainfall up to ¼ inch per hour for one hour
c.      Shall be able to “return to home” if data link with the ground control station is lost for more than fifteen seconds
d.     Shall be multi-rotor capable of autonomous stabilized hover
3.     Payload
a.      Shall have thermal infrared camera for detection of hotspots
b.     All video feed shall be receivable by ground control element
c.      Shall have a day video camera for detection of observable smoke
d.     Shall be gyro stabilized for flight
1.      Transportability
a.      Conduct weight roll up for all off the shelf components and customized parts to ensure total weight is below 50 lbs. Weight final prototype (all elements) to ensure weight is below lbs.
b.     Inspect transportation case to ensure total volume is less than 21 cubic feet
c.      Inspect transportation case to ensure foam interior is present
d.     Test fit all sub components into their respective cut outs in the foam
e.      Test fil all tools for assembly/disassembly into their respective cut outs in the foam
f.      Drop case, loaded with all sub components and tools, from height of five feet to ensure case and components are undamaged from fall
2.     Air Vehicle Element
a.      Perform ground tests to ensure all components are not affected by ash. Provide gaskets/barriers if issues arise and retest
b.     Perform ground run in a controlled environment subjecting UAS to ¼ inch of rain flow in one hour. Provide gaskets/barriers if issues arise and retest
c.      Utilize hardware in loop simulations to ensure UAS will return to home if communication is lost for more than fifteen seconds. Followed by test flights in a controlled environment once software is validated
d.     Utilize hardware in the loop simulations to ensure UAS is capable of stabilized autonomous hover. Conduct test flights in a controlled environment once software is validated
3.     Payload
a.      Conduct thermal infrared test on video equipment to ensure proper operation and resolution at 1000 feet AGL
b.     Conduct tests to ensure all video feed is received by ground control stations at altitude up to 1000 feet AGL
c.      Conduct test of visible light camera to ensure proper operation and resolution at 1000 feet AGL
d.     Utilize hardware in the loop simulations to ensure UAS is capable of stabilized flight. Conduct test flights in a controlled environment once software is validated
·       Phase Description – Duration (months)
o   Concept Design - 3
o   Concept Research - 3
o   Preliminary Design - 3
o   Detail Design - 6
o   Specimen Test - 6
o   Prototype Build/Test - 6
o   Modification - 3
o   Certification - 6
o   Production – 24 (total production run, 1 week per UAS)
o   Support – 60
            The air vehicle needs to withstand both weather and smoke/ash generated by the fire. Therefore, I decided on the requirement to handle ¼ in of rainfall per hour. This UAS will be electric as opposed to an engine to combat ash particles. There is no air intake and no combustion chamber to be damaged by means of ash particles. Sealing the inside of the platform with close fitting panels and gaskets will keep most of the ash out. 21 cubic feet for the total volume of the transportation container was chosen since this is the volume of the cargo compartment on a Ford Explorer (2017 Explorer, n.d.).  This is a common sized SUV to be used, and would also ensure it would fit in the back of a pick-up.

            1000 ft AGL was determined to be the needed hover and flight height of the UAS. The initial design requirement was for 500 ft AGL but this UAS will work at higher altitudes. This will ensure there is room for growth within the UAS platform, if next year the customer requests 600 ft AGL it is already validated at that altitude. IR cameras are to be used to detect hotspots as well as allowing the operator to see through smoke for operations in degraded visual elements (Allison, Johnston & Jennings, 2016). Visible light cameras are the be used for flight during the daytime as well as visually detecting smoke which can be a cue for a potential hot spot (Allison, Johnston & Jennings, 2016).
           This project has a three-year timeline from concept design to certification. Concept design/research and preliminary design are high level, broad tasks. More time is allocated to detail design, specimen test and prototype build/test.  These are more time consuming and detail oriented, more time is needed to ensure everything is done correctly. Production is estimated to build one UAS per week for a period of two years. Support will run concurrently and for a period of five years total. 

Allison, R., Johnston, J., Craig, G., & Jennings, S. (2016, August 18). Airborne Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Wildfire Detection and Monitoring. Retrieved from

Folk, E. (2017, October 04). Drones Could Be the Answer to Containing Forest Fires. Retrieved from

Knight, R. (2015, December 09). UAS Fighting Wildfires. Retrieved from

2017 Ford Explorer (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Drones for Anti-Poaching ASCI 530 6.4 Research Blog

Drones are being used in Africa as an anti-poaching tool. Poaching is taking a significant toll on the wildlife population. Over a seven-year period the elephant population declined by 30% and in 2015 around 1300 rhinos were killed for their horns (Nuwer, 2017). Many conservations are utilizing drones to prevent or deter poaching. Poachers can be identified in the park via a camera on a drone. At this point many times the drone is flown directly at the poachers, alerting them to the fact they are being watched, and they flee the area.  Another is to reduce animals contact with humans, by keeping them inside a protected refuge. “DJI Phantom drones can steer elephants away from park boundaries — likely because they sound like a bit like bees, and elephants hate bees” (Nuwer, 2017).

Super Bat (Super Bat, n.d.)
The Super Bat DA-50 is currently being used in Tanzania by the National Park Service (Corrigan, 2017). It is gas powered, fully autonomous with a ceiling of 15,000 feet with an endurance of ten hours. It includes a 20 megapixel camera that can send live video feed to the operator, and can 
automatically follow track and follow targets. Small enough to fit into an SUV, including the catapult to launch. It also has the ability to fly up to 50nm line-of-site from the command center (Super Bat, n.d.). 

Air Shepherd ZT-TIC (Air Shepherd, n.d.)
The Air Shepherd ZT-TIC was developed specifically for anti-poaching and is in use in several parks in Africa. Fully electric with a service ceiling of 4000 feet and an endurance of around five hours. It includes a day and a night camera capable of sending live video feed to an operator up to 30km away. Can fly an automated route and has a control range of 50km line-of-site (Air Shepherd, n.d.).

The long endurance, high altitude, powerful camera and range make the Bat and Air Shepard ideal for covering the large land area that encompasses most refuges. They can both cover a large area of ground faster than anyone on foot or by ground vehicle, both of which could alert poachers to the rangers looking to catch them.  They typical employment of one of these drones is to determine, based on past patterns, where poachers are most likely to enter the park and operate.  Rangers are prepositioned on the ground and the drone is sent up to survey the area. Once poachers are identified the Rangers are sent in to apprehend them (Air Shepard, n.d.). 

The DJI Inspire is in use in Zimbabwe, the Phantom is also in use at the same locations. The Inspire is fully electric with an endurance of 13-18 minutes. With a fully independent camera and a dedicated remote for the camera (Inspire 1 Pro/Raw, n.d.). The Inspire has three advantages over the other two drones listed above. The pure ease of use means little required and any park officer can use one. It’s fully packable and can be easily transported anywhere within the park with just a backpack. The ability to hover means a more precise location and stable images, which is needed for any law proceedings where the poachers are being brought to trial.
DJI Inspire (Inspire 1 Pro/Raw, n.d)

The main disadvantages are that with such a short endurance and range limit this is more of a reactionary tactic. Poachers are identified and the Inspire is sent in to gather images of the criminal act as it’s happening.  It is used in conjunction with a fixed wing. Its powerful camera is the main advantage (Corrigan, 2017).

One of the biggest challenges to using drones for anti-poaching is the efficacy is yet to be determined.  Air Shepherd has made some very large claims about how effective they are.  They claim in a one-year period over a designated area there was a 65% reduction in rhino poaching. The second year they operated there, after learning from the first year and improving tactics, there were no rhino poaching deaths at all, leading to a 100% effectiveness (Corrigan, 2017).  It is important to point out here that this was a study done by Air Shepherd, the company selling drones to that area. It was not peer reviewed or replicated elsewhere. There are many articles claiming how effective drones are, but all the ones I came across ultimately lead back to Air Shepherd as their source material for the data.

There have also been anti-poaching drone operators that show up to national parks promising to stop poaching claiming they have done it in the past. These groups charge a lot of money and fly gas-powered drones low to the ground. These drones lack sensors or cameras of any type, relying on the noise to prevent poaching.  These are likened to snake oil salesman as they claim to stop poaching entirely. Even though poaching in the areas they cover remained the same.  This left many parks hesitant to try drones for anti-poaching as they had wasted valuable money on fraud (Mortimer, 2017).

Kruger National Park, which straddles the border of South Africa and Mozambique, stopped their drone experiment earlier this year. Using Air Shepherd drones, they noted that the results were very disappointing, and no poachers were seen or apprehended (Mortimer, 2017). While the technology is promising on the surface, a lot more development and research needs to be completed. No long-term studies have been done on drones for anti-poaching.

Another large issue facing drones for anti-poaching are that drones are becoming banned in some countries in Africa. Kenya banned all drone activity from wildlife refuges and all private use drones.  Kenya sites “security concerns” over this decision and has stopped any and all research being done in Kenya for anti-poaching drones (Koebler, 2014). South Africa also banned flying drones with cameras for commercial use, the vagueness of the wording meant that all drones with cameras were grounded, including those used for conservation (Andrews, 2015). With a fine of up to 10 years on prison, conservationists aren't willing to risk that they are an exception to the rule (Andrews, 2015).



Andrews, C. (2015, April 25). The Promise of Drones in South Africa's Poaching Crisis. Retrieved from

Air Shepherd. (n.d). Retrieved from

Corrigan, F. (2017, January 29). 8 Top Anti Poaching Drones For Critical Wildlife Protection. Retrieved from  

Inspire 1 Pro/Raw. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Koebler, J. (2014, June 04). African Nations Are Banning the Drones That Could Stop Poachers. Retrieved from

Mortimer, G. (2017, March 28). Kruger Park, South Africa, Stops Anti-Poaching Drone Experiment. Retrieved from

Nuwer, R. (2017, March 13). High Above, Drones Keep Watchful Eyes on Wildlife in Africa. Retrieved from

Super Bat. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Saturday, November 4, 2017

UAS in the NAS - ASCI 530 4.5 Research Blog

ATC needs to be able to communicate with the UAS controller whenever the UAV is in controlled airspace.  Since the UAS controller is on the ground, and most likely not in line-of-sight communication with ATC the UAS could be used to relay the communication to the ground controller via satellite communications (Pongracz & Palik, 2012).  This would allow direct communication with the UAS controller and it would be similar to contacting an on board pilot. Of course, this only works for larger UASs, most notable military controlled UASs that have access to satellite communications.
According to the Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 14CFR 91.111(b) “the operator of an aircraft must maintain vigilance so as to see and avoid other aircraft. The operator must also give way to other aircraft if they have the right of way”.  Since a UAS cannot see to avoid it needs to “sense and avoid”.  Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is used to broadcast to ATC the position, altitude and velocity of an aircraft. Having ADS-B built into a UAS would enable ATC to locate the UAS, any aircraft or person with an ADS-B receiver and let the UAS know of other aircraft in its vicinity and it could navigate to stay clear of the manned aircraft. A company called uAvioni has released a line of small ADS-Bs that could easily be fitted into a small UAS, some of these are only an inch by an inch in size (ADS-B Transceivers, n.d.).   

PrecisionHawk has developed Low Altitude Tracking and Avoidance System, or LATAS. LATAS is “onboard system that provides flight planning, tracking and avoidance for every drone in the sky using real-time flight data transmission based on existing world-wide cellular networks” (Say Hello, 2015).  LATAS uses existing cell towers to transmit a UAVs location to ATC, which would relay that position to pilots in the area. This is a small bit of electronics, about one inch by two inches, that can be added to any UAV during manufacturing. 
(Say Hello, 2015)

These are some options for controlling a UAS in the national airspace. As with all aviation it takes skilled people, on the ground, in the tower or in the sky to make it all work safely. Even with sense and avoid systems in place, aviation personnel will still need to remain vigilant and aware. 


ADS-B Transceivers, Receivers and Navigation Systems for Drones (n.d.). Retrieved from

Say Hello to LATAS (January 09, 2015). Retrieved from

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Weeding out a Solution - ASCI 530 2.5 Research Blog

UAS Sprayer 1 (Agricultural UAV, 2016)


 A UAS is to be designed for precision crop-dusting. In the middle of the design process, the system is found to be overweight.
  • Two subsystems – 1) Guidance, Navigation & Control [flying correctly] and 2) Payload delivery [spraying correctly] have attempted to save costs by purchasing off-the-shelf hardware, rather than a custom design, resulting in both going over their originally allotted weight budgets. Each team has suggested that the OTHER team reduce weight to compensate.
  • The UAS will not be able to carry sufficient weight to spread the specified (Marketing has already talked this up to customers) amount of fertilizer over the specified area without cutting into the fuel margin. The safety engineers are uncomfortable with the idea of changing the fuel margin at all.
Write a response describing how you, as the Systems Engineer, would go about resolving this issue. Use your imagination, and try to capture what you would really do. Take into account and express in your writing the things you’ve learned so far in this module: What are your considerations? What are your priorities? What do you think about the future prospects for the “next generation, enhanced” version of the system as a result of your approach?

My Response:
My priority for this issue is to ensure we deliver the end product that marketing has promised, we can precisely deliver the allotted volume of fertilizer in the correct location with the needed endurance for the UAS.  My second and third priorities are to ensure we are within budget by a few percent and within the promised time frame within reason.  If a UAS is delivered as promised but a few percent more in cost is better than a UAS that doesn’t deliver as marketed but costs what was promised. The initial purchase is a onetime pain for the end user, and can be overcome when the seasonal use of the UAS goes off as promised.  Same thing with the timeline. If it is late by a small amount of time, say within a month, then the repeated seasonal use of a functioning product will most likely overcome the late delivery.  Of course, all attempts will be made to deliver on budget, time, payload and endurance. “Build the right system, and build the system right” (Cantor & Roose, 2006).

I would go to the lead Guidance, Navigation & Control engineer and lead Payload delivery engineer in two separate meetings, both with the same structure.  I’d like to see the weight roll up of all parts they are responsible for.  Using this we would go after the heaviest parts first, and go from there. Assuming the heaviest part is the off the shelf purchase I would ask the engineer to talk to the supplier.  If the supplier knows our requirements, they may have alternative solutions that do not come with the same weight.   The main competitors of the suppliers should also be contacted. If they also know our requirements, to include cost and timeline, they may have a solution the current supplier does not.

What are the options for creating our own systems that are not off the shelf? Again, the suppliers would need to be contacted and a discussion had.  Most likely their parts have some ability to be interchanged within themselves.  If we don’t purchase a box full of electronic components from the supplier, but instead we purchase only some of the electronics inside we may have an opportunity for weight reduction. They have a packaged product that delivers to all of the end users, which may have features we do not need.

I would also let every engineer on the project know we are having weight issues. Perhaps another system has a means to reduce weight which will offset the added weight from these two systems. An example of saving weight is to look at something simple such as brackets and hardware. Let’s take a simple L bracket and discuss ways to reduce weight.  If you have two flat plates that are welded to form the L a flat plate bent into an L would be lighter. It’s also likely a bent bracket would be cheaper as there is less labor and handling on the manufactures end. Assuming the L bracket has holes for mounting if we add welded nuts to it that would reduce the total part count for hardware required, by eliminating the washer that would go under a loose nut.  One washer is not significant, but if you do that all over the UAS is does start to add up. This would also reduce labor time on our end for assembly as well as less total parts that need to be stored along the assembly line.

 Is there a place to use rivets instead of bolts/nuts/washers? Is there places to use bends instead of welds? Working with the suppliers of any mounting brackets they would be able to offer solutions to save weight or cost. Can we change the material? If it’s currently steel is there an option to make it out of some form of plastic? An L bracket is straight forward and not likely to save much, however a fully enclosed box with mounting hardware in it starts to open possibilities.  I spent years as an engineer and would work with suppliers often to reduce weight and cost, they normally had ideas since they built the parts for us.  The ideas varied from changing steel types, removing extra gussets or decreasing their sizes, changing hardware configurations, riveting not bolting or bending instead of welding.
UAS Sprayer 2 (Agricultural UAV, 2016)

Making any changes to hardware or the electronics would have benefits down the line. In the future generations of our product we have already started to customize the “off the shelf” products to our needs. We started the relationship with the supplier now, and any future programs can be started with the supplier from the beginning, instead of later on into the project as is the case now.  Working with suppliers to possibly modify brackets and mounting hardware also educates our engineers on this topic and they can start to design hardware more intelligently. Which would reduce design iterations and save on cost of the engineer’s time.

There is a balance to strike with cost and timeline, however in the end we have to deliver a usable product.  A systems engineer can’t deliver everything required. The “job is not to satisfy all needs, but to select a profitable and practical subset of those needs and attempt to deliver” (Gilb, 2006).  If we focus on delivering the right product, this will pay off in the long run for our company.  

Agriculture UAV Crop Dusters Agriculture UAV Sprayers Platforms. (2016, December 21). Retrieved from
Glibb, T. (2006). Some Powerful Systems Engineering Heuristics. SE Heuristics.
Cantor, M., & Roose, G. (2006, March 18). The Six Principles of Systems Engineering. Retrieved from


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Development of the Predator - ASCI 530 1.6 Research Blog

Amber (Parsch, 2004)

The Amber is the drone that eventually became our modern-day Predator drone. It was developed in the mid-1980s for the DoD by Abe Karem, an aerospace engineer who immigrated from Israel to the U.S. The Amber was equipped with retractable tricycle landing gear for conventional take-off and landing from a runway. It used a rear mounted two-blade pusher propeller with a 65-horsepower piston engine with an inverted-V design for the tail (Parsch, 2004). The bulged nose held a daylight television camera and a Forward-Looking Infrared system, FLIR, and used a two-way data link for ground communications allowing the pilots to see via the imagery from the camera in the nose (Parsch, 2004).   Its maximum endurance was 38 hours, a range of 120 nautical miles, a ceiling of 25,000 feet and a maximum speed of 125 mph (Parsch, 2004). 

The Amber was modified into the GNAT 750 in the late 1990s (Potts, 2012). It featured satellite and manned aircraft relayed communication, the first of its kind (Potts, 2012).  The GNAT 750 was further modified into the configuring we know now, the Predator. 

The Predator featured a larger fuselage, extended wings and a bigger propulsions system.  It has more than 40 hours of endurance, a range of 150 nautical miles, a maximum ceiling of 50,000 feet and a maximum speed of 135 mph (Predator RQ-1, n.d.).  The electronics in the nose are able to be swapped based on the mission. They include electro-optical and infrared cameras, synthetic aperture radar, two-color television camera with variable zoom, a FLIR, a laser designator and ranger finder, electronic countermeasures and a moving target indicator (Predator RQ-1, n.d.).  A large change over the Amber is it can be loaded with two Hellfire anti-armor missiles linked to the moving target indicator system as well as all optical sensors (Predator RQ-1, n.d.).
Predator (Predator RQ-1, n.d.)

The two largest changes between the Amber and the Predator was the addition of munitions and the satellite communication system. “Predator crews became the first combatants in history able to spy on and, eventually, kill an enemy from the opposite side of the globe” (Whittle, 2013).  The advancement in cameras and observation technology has definitely played a role in this, but without the satellite communication system the operators would need to ne near, and possibly still line of site as was the case with older UAVs.  

The next leap in UAV technology will be better development of autopilot or artificial intelligence for drone operation. The more a UAV can do for itself, the lesser the workload on the operator.  “Developments with “artificial intelligence,” (AI) will better enable unmanned platforms to organize, interpret and integrate functions independently such as ISR filtering, sensor manipulation, maneuvering, navigation and targeting adjustments.  In essence, emerging computer technology will better enable drones to make more decisions and perform more functions by themselves” (Future Drones, 2017).



Future Drones Stealthier, More Lethal Weapons - 2030s. (2017, October 04). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from

Parsch, A. (2004). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from

Potts, A. (2012, December 01). The Dronefather. Retrieved October 22, 2017, from

Predator RQ-1 / MQ-1 / MQ-9 Reaper UAV. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2017, from

Whittle, R. (2013, April). The Man Who Invented the Predator. Retrieved October 19, 2017, from

Thursday, October 5, 2017

How Drones are Impacting our Lives - 9.4 Research Blog UNSY501

RMAX, Gallager, 2015

UAVs or Drones will have the biggest impact on our society over the next few decades. While unmanned maritime and ground systems will certainly continue to evolve and shape those industries, drones are becoming more and more integrated into everyone’s daily lives.  The drone industry is expected to create 100,000 additional jobs by 2025 (Drake, 2017).  

I live in South Korea and about a mile away is a company that trains pilots to operate unmanned multirotor and helicopters, such as the RMAX, for crop dusting and agricultural surveys.  The RMAX has been used in Japan for nearly twenty years, and it came to Korea about five years ago.  The university of California has been using it to crop dust since 2013 (Gallagher, 2015).

UPS Drone, Stewart, 2017
Amazon, Google, 7-Eleven and UPS are all attempting drone delivery. UPS successfully completed initial trails early this year.  The driver would pull up to the start of a long rural driveway, load a package into an automated drone and send it to deliver the package. Meanwhile the driver would continue down the road to the next destination. The drone would deliver its package then return to the truck, which is further down the road, land itself and dock into a charging station. The driver could choose went to employ the drone and when to hand deliver.  When houses are directly next to each other it makes sense to hand deliver, but when they are in the country and separated by miles of road and then long driveways the drone delivers and the driver moves to the next destination (Stewart, 2017). 

Zipline, HSU, 2017
Zipline, a San Francisco based company, is using fixed wing drones to deliver medical supplies in Rwanda.  It uses parachute drops to deliver medical supplies to remote villages. Rwanda is developing its own infrastructure with Zipline, leaving Zipline free to develop to project as needed. In 2018 Zipline will introduce the same medial supply delivery system, but on a larger scale, in Tanzania.  They plan on delivering to 1,000 hospitals around the country making almost 2,000 deliveries per day.  The Tanzanian government is working with Zipline to achieve this (Hsu, 2017).

Drones are being integrated into our lives more and more.  Search and rescue, hobbyists, wildlife management, delivery of goods and medical supplies, video and photography shoots just to mention a few industries.  I’m personally excited to see all the different ways drones are being used to help improve our lives.  If it’s flying a drone for fun, racing with some buddies, conducting wildlife counts or delivering much needed medical supplies drones are here to stay and will continue to grow and develop as we discover new ways to integrate them.

Drake, D. (2016, March 04). Drones Rising: Bringing the Economy Along with It. Retrieved October 06, 2017, from

Gallagher - May 5, 2015 10:12 pm UTC, S. (2015, May 05). Crop-dusting Unmanned Helicopter Gets Cleared for Commercial Fight. Retrieved October 06, 2017, from

Stewart, J. (2017, June 03). UPS Tests the Future: A Drone-Slinging Delivery Van. Retrieved October 06, 2017, from

Friday, September 29, 2017

Unmanned System Implementation Strategy - 8.4 Research Blog UNSY501

Autonomous Container Ships

Birkeland, courtesy Ong 2017

In 2020 Yara International plans to have a fully automated cargo ship in operation, called the Birkeland.  It is designed to be a zero emission, all electric 100-container ship covering a 37 mile route delivering goods.  This route will replace the current route which takes 40,000 truck routes currently (Ong, 20217).  This is a large volume of truck traffic to remove from the roads. The Birkeland will use an integrated system of GPS, radar, cameras and sensors to navigate in and out of port, along its route and for collision avoidance (Ong, 2017).

With autonomous container ships there isn’t any opportunity to spy on individuals, there is no glaring privacy issue.  There are cameras mounted to the container to help with docking and collision avoidance. This means there may be accidental recordings of people that could lead to a privacy issue.  The ships are recording people intentionally, only people in the background of a recording.  Yara doesn’t need to permanently keep any of this footage. It would make sense they need to store the footage for a short amount of time, in case of an incident they would need the footage for any following investigations.  My opinion is after two weeks the footage is reasonably no longer needed and should be deleted.  Access to the footage should be on an as needed basis, not an open source to the public. 

In the autonomous car arena there is an ethical issue on what the car should do in the event of an unavoidable accident.  Should the car save its occupants at the expense of those outside the car? Should it always save the most amount of people, possibly killing the occupants?  Would anyone buy a car that could technically be programmed to sacrifice its owner? Accidents do happen with container ships, there are cases where they have collided with other ships, docks or bridges. The automotive industry is still looking for an answer to its ethical dilemma.  One approach it is taking is to ask people to answer who should survive in unavoidable accidents, the answers are aggregated to build a set of ethics for the cars to follow.  The maritime industry can take the same approach.  Ask people to analyze an unavoidable accident and choose the best course of action.  Once enough people have been surveyed create a set of rules based on the average morals.  This is a large undertaking and may not be a perfect solution, but it’s an excellent start.

Safety is an issue for maritime operations. Docking, navigation and collision avoidance are all concerns for an automated vessel.  Rolls Royce is working on an autonomous vessel it hopes to launch between 2020-2025 (Levander, 2017).  They are developing a situational-awareness system “that integrate imagery from high-definition visible-light and infrared cameras with lidar and radar measurements, providing a detailed picture of the ship’s immediate environment” (Levander, 2017).  This information can be fed to the onboard navigation system for all docking and navigation procedures.  They will also can feed this information to remote skipper who will pilot the ship in if needed.  Manned vessels currently use the same information and systems to help.  Yara is developing their ships along the same lines, using sensors and GPS so the ship knows where it is and what is immediately around it.

In the event of loss of control or command signal there are a few options.  Both Rolls Royce and Yara will be feeding all of the information from the ship back to a remote command center, where experienced operators can take control of the ship if needed.  All safety and navigation systems on board should monitor themselves to ensure they are operational, if a system detects an issue the operators can take control bring the ship in safely (Levander, 2017).  These ships should be designed so that a pilot can board them and control the ship directly.  In the event of signal loss with the command center the ships can be programed to navigate to a predetermined point and circle until a pilot can board the craft and dock it.  Many ports currently require a local pilot to board a ship and navigate it in so this operation is currently done already.

There are many issues that still need to be worked out with autonomous container ships. Yara and Rolls Royce are both on the fore front of this development.  Both are planning to go fully autonomous in stages. Essentially manually pilot the ship at first, then let a computer navigate and steer in the open waters with crew on board, then the computer can dock and eventually over a period of years crew will not be on board (Ong, 2017).  With a slow introduction and discrete steps, issues can be identified as they occur and addressed. 
Autonomous Concept, courtesy Levander 2017


Levander, O. (2017, January 28). Forget Autonomous Cars-Autonomous Ships Are Almost Here. Retrieved September 29, 2017, from

Ong, T. (2017, July 24). The World's First Crewless Cargo Ship Will Launch Next Year. Retrieved September 29, 2017, from